Autor: %s Bianca Wnuk

Die Tattva Viveka hat ein starkes Team – voller Engagement und Ambitionen. Lies hier über unsere Beweggründe und unsere Botschaft an die Welt....

On one hand, Africa is considered the cradle of humanity both evolutionarily and culturally, on the other hand, no other continent has suffered so much exploitation, violence and oppression. It is time to turn to Africa's cultural and spiritual heritage in order to understand the history of humanity on a different level and to integrate this early, mythical wisdom in order to grow as individuals and as a community....

„Ein Park für alle!“ So lautet das Motto der Crowdfunding Aktion für den Erhalt des Silvaticums in Bad Meinberg. „Das Silvaticum ist mit seinen 93 Baumarten eine einzigartig schöne Naturlandschaft. Sein Erhalt geht uns alle an.“...

Spiritualität ist nicht messbar oder wiegbar, sie betrifft das Innere, das Ewige, das Geistige, das Immaterielle. Sie ist nicht direkt materiell beweisbar. Dennoch ist sie beweisbar. Aber wie?...

It is not easy to choose a meditation. The meditation “market” offers an overwhelmingly vast array of techniques. Yet surely, many of them are not necessarily suitable for us - though who could tell what “suitable” exactly means? Would “suitable” imply a technique that feels effortless, natural and in line with our character and inclination? Or would “suitable” be a meditation that goes against our character and compels us to transcend ourselves and overcome our automatic patterns and therefore, feels at times unnatural and even uncomfortable? This article may help you....